Curious….actually scratch that. ANNOYED!

Sorry guys it’s ranting time, someone just come upset my spirit now I gotta come tell you about it

Do you ever just wonder why people are the way they are.

 Why they become so defensive even when you actually took the time to listen to what they said and changed your own behaviour. 

I don’t understand and I’m not sure I actually care too either. 

Don’t ask for help then complain when the person you asked is trying to help you. Makes no friggin sense. 

Then after they done piss u off and you neither wanna help or talk them they try be friends. Ummmm no how about you just leave me to do me now after you done upset my mood. 

Nothing annoys me more than people who cannot admit fault. If I’ve made an incorrect assumption I try to just apologise and keep it moving. Okay… it may not be an “I’m sorry” as such but I can at least say my bad or something. 

Don’t just try move on and beg friendship. No your not forgiven, I still don’t wanna talk to you and if I’m in your house I want to go home. Fuck you I drive for a reason. 
Ahhh rant over 😁